Bioceres Affirms Commitment to U.S. Biotechnology Commercialization Principles
In its public statement following USDA’s deregulation of the HB4® drought-tolerance trait from Bioceres Crop Science on Aug. 29, U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) noted that it would continue monitoring how the company’s commercialization plans align with the “Wheat Industry Principles for Biotechnology Commercialization” developed jointly with the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG).
USW was pleased to see the publicly traded company acknowledge that commitment in its Sept. 10 earnings call with investors.
Commercialization of wheat with the HB4 trait in the United States will take time, said Bioceres CEO Federico Trucco. In the call, Trucco said the process will follow “the guidance that was provided by the wheat industry associations, the U.S. Wheat Associates, and the National Association of Wheat Growers, that requires approvals in certain key geographies where wheat exports from the U.S. are relevant, as well as an effective way to identify HB4 presence in wheat shipments.”

U.S. farmer leaders have engaged with Bioceres to emphasize the importance of adhering to wheat industry principles for biotechnology commercialization. This team of farmers and USW staff met with Bioceres in Argentina in January 2024.
Lots of Work to be Done
Also in the call, the company suggested that it will work with wheat industry participants, including public university breeding programs, to develop U.S. wheat varieties with the HB4 trait. Bioceres also indicated they will pursue broad licensing agreements as a commercialization strategy in the United States. Significant development work will be required before any wheat with the HB4 trait will be planted in the United States for commercial sale.
“There is still a lot of ground to cover with this technology and our organization will stay actively engaged in the proc.ess on behalf of our farmers and overseas customers,” said USW Director of Trade Policy Peter Laudeman in USW’s statement. “We appreciate the commitment that Bioceres is making to working with its wheat industry partners to ensure robust stewardship of this technology prior to commercial release.”
In addition to the “Principles” statement, USW and NAWG also developed a “Wheat Industry Biotechnology Position Statement.” It recognizes the promise of biotechnology research in wheat and supports the ability of wheat customers to make purchases based on specific traits, noting that “We commit ourselves to the principle that our customers’ needs are vitally important.”